CYSEC 2020

CYSEC 2020

Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructure 29 – 30 April 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia  Securing network and information systems in the European Union are essential to keeping the online economy running and to ensure prosperity. The European Union works on a number of fronts to promote cyber resilience. The aim is to raise awareness of cybersecurity threats, promote cybersecurity among citizens and organizations; and provide resources to protect themselves online, through education and sharing of good practices. Cyber security is becoming an increasingly important factor in protecting critical infrastructure. New technologies such […]

“Project to policy kick off seminar” for security research

“Project to policy kick off seminar” for security research

The event was organised on 31 January by the European Commission (Research Executive Agency, DG Migration and Home Affairs,  and DG Connect).  The event was very successful with almost 100 participants: 36 project representatives exchanged with numerous colleagues from DG Migration and Home Affairs, DG Connect and Research Executive Agency as well as DG DG Defence Industry and Space, ECHO, ENER, MARE, MOVE, RTD, TAXUD, JRC, EUROPOL, CEPOL and FRONTEX. — This “Project to policy kick off seminar” (P2PKOS) aimed to raise awareness at 2 levels. On the one hand projects […]