SURVEY on SecureGas crisis communication

SURVEY on SecureGas crisis communication

SecureGas crisis communication [NEW] Deadline to fill in the survey: June 14th A master thesis at the university of Vienna, department for risk prevention and disaster management, addresses the topic of resilient communication and information sharing in case of disruptions to gas critical infrastructure networks. The author has developed a survey (Communication and information sharing in case of disruptions to gas critical infrastructure networks) aiming to get information from SecureGas partner, SecureGas Stakeholder, relevant governmental responsibilities in crisis management and emergency services. The (anonymous) answers will directly contribute to the […]

The ECSCI 2020 Virtual Workshop

The ECSCI 2020 Virtual Workshop

Call for Participation – The ECSCI 2020 Virtual Workshop !! Virtual Event | 24 – 25 JUNE 2020   We would like to encourage you to attend The First ECSCI (European Cluster for Securing Critical Infrastructures) virtual workshop to be held on June 24-25, 2020, gathering interdisciplinary professional communities to debate on the protection of critical infrastructures in the domains of finance, healthcare, energy, air transport communications, gas, and water. The workshop program includes keynote speeches from the EC, ENISA, and ECSO, 10 H2020 projects results presentations, roundtable and panel […]