SecureGas focuses on the +140.000Km of the European Gas network and installations, adopting a business case driven approach and covering the entire value chain of Gas from Production (Upstream) to Transmission (Midstream) up to Distribution to the users (Downstream).
Specific business cases (BC) addressing relevant issues within the Gas sector have been identified so that to ensure that SecureGas can offer comprehensive, yet installation specific, solutions. In order to achieve this, the BCs have been developed with the end-users of the project (i.e. ENI, DEPA, EDAA, AMBER), so that to make sure they address relevant issues in the Gas sector, by filling existing gaps and addressing emerging threats.
The business cases cover the entire value chain focusing on:
1. BC
Risk-based approaches to security asset management across the life-cycle of gas transmission and distribution networks in compliance with the “Common Risk Assessment Approach” as required by EU Regulation 2017/1938;
2. BC
Impacts and cascading effects of cyber-physical attacks on vital nodes of interdependent and interconnected Gas transmission grids in line with the request of EU Regulation 2017/1938 of “running .. scenarios of disruption of gas supply (e.g. transmission infrastructure, storages) …Assessing their likely consequences”;
3. BC
Integrity and security through the operationalization of resilience guidelines of strategic installations across the EU Gas network in line with the need to “develop and agree on preventive and emergency measures” as requested by EU Regulation 2017/1938.
SecureGas is tackling these issues by implementing, updating, and incrementally improving extended components, integrated according to a High-Level Reference Architecture (HLRA) built upon the SecureGas Conceptual Model (CM), a blue print on how to design, build, operate and maintain the EU gas network to make it secure and resilient against cyber-physical threats. The resulting integrated components will be adapted, customized, deployed, demonstrated and validated in each of the business cases according to the scenarios as defined by the end-users.
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