SecureGas First Project Workshop
10 September | Freiburg, Germany
The event, organized by the SecureGas project, will take place on 10 September 2019 in Freiburg, Germany
The workshop programme will offer a unique opportunity to: (ii) discuss and brainstorm on the technical, operational, organizational and regulatory requirements for the protection of Gas Critical Infrastructure, and (ii) provide your feedback for the definition of SecureGas business cases where the technological components will be tested and demonstrated, with the view to developing a blue print on how to design, build, operate and maintain the EU gas network to make it secure and resilient against cyber-physical threats. The workshop will be facilitated by an expert in stakeholder engagement who will provide a structured format for knowledge exchange and creation. Hence we hope you see the opportunity that this gathering holds for your field.
> Watch the video:
SecureGas has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 833017 to ensure the security and resilience of the EU gas network.
In particular, the project aims at providing methodologies, tools and guidelines to secure existing and incoming installations and make them resilient to cyber-physical threats.
Three business cases, addressing relevant issues for the Gas sector and beyond (e.g. oil), have been identified so that to ensure the delivery of solutions and services in line with clear needs and requirements, focused on:
- risk-based security asset management of gas transmission and distribution networks;
- impacts (economic, environmental and social) and cascading effects of cyber-physical attacks on interdependent and interconnected European Gas grids;
- integrity and security, through the operationalization of resilience guidelines, of strategic installations across the EU Gas network
The Project Workshop aims at confirming end-user requirements identified by the project and identifying missed end-user requirements, validating a list of pre-defined technical requirements and getting inputs for the definition of thee business case scenarios.