Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence: the Second Open Access Book

Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence: the Second Open Access Book

“Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security” Securing Critical Infrastructures in Air Transport, Water, Gas, Healthcare, Finance and Industry Edited by John Soldatos, University of Glasgow, UK and INNOV-ACTS LIMITED | Isabel Praça, Institute of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP) | Aleksandar Jovanović, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Group Publication Date: 15 Sep 2021   Modern critical infrastructures can be considered as large scale Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Therefore, when designing, implementing, and operating systems for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), the boundaries between physical security and cybersecurity are blurred. […]

SecureGas NEWSLETTER n.4 | July 2021

SecureGas NEWSLETTER n.4 | July 2021

Fourth SecureGas NEWSLETTER is online: READ & SHARE n.4 | July 2020   SecureGas Newsletter is the official, semi-annual newsletter from Horizon 2020 SecureGas Project. Each SecureGas Newsletter issue aims to disseminate project updates as well as news. It is developed and compiled with contributions from the SecureGas Consortium Partners and relevant Stakeholders. In this issue: Overview of the project – the second year and the last 6 project months; Second SecureGas Stakeholder Workshop; Demonstration and validation activities in SecureGas Business Cases; SecureGas recent scientific publications … and more You […]

New publication: “Towards a Global CIs’ Cyber-Physical Security Management and Joint Coordination Approach”

New publication: “Towards a Global CIs’ Cyber-Physical Security Management and Joint Coordination Approach”

Open access – CONFERENCE PAPER Towards a Global CIs’ Cyber-Physical Security Management and Joint Coordination Approach By Vasiliki Mantzana, Eftichia Georgiou, Anna Gazi, Ilias Gkotsis, Ioannis Chasiotis and Georgios Eftychidis | Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Athens, Greece Published in Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection, pp. 155 – 170, First International Workshop, CPS4CIP 2020, Guildford, UK, September 18, 2020, Revised Selected Papers Abstract Critical Infrastructures (CIs) face numerous cyber-physical threats that can affect citizens’ lives and habits, increase their feeling of insecurity, and influence the seamless services provision. During such […]