“Project to policy kick off seminar” for security research
14 February 2020

“Project to policy kick off seminar” for security research

The event was organised on 31 January by the European Commission (Research Executive Agency, DG Migration and Home Affairs,  and DG Connect). 

The event was very successful with almost 100 participants: 36 project representatives exchanged with numerous colleagues from DG Migration and Home Affairs, DG Connect and Research Executive Agency as well as DG DG Defence Industry and Space, ECHO, ENER, MARE, MOVE, RTD, TAXUD, JRC, EUROPOL, CEPOL and FRONTEX.

This “Project to policy kick off seminar” (P2PKOS) aimed to raise awareness at 2 levels. On the one hand projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 7 call needed to better understand the EU policy landscape in areas such as digital security, protection of critical infrastructure, border management, crime and terrorism or crisis management. On the other hand, EC policy officers working on various security related areas were interested to get a deeper knowledge of the security research project portfolio and how projects findings could impact and support their policy making work.

The SecureGas project took part in this event as a representative of the group of the new projects in Infrastructure Protection.


For more information about P2PKOS: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/project-policy-kick-seminar-security-research 

For more info about SecureGas EUproject: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/833017