2nd SecureGas WEBINAR
“SecureGas Business Cases”
19 May | 11.00 am – 12.00 am CET.
The webinar will focus on presenting the three SecureGas Business cases developed by ENI ( in Italy), AMBER ( in Lithuania) and DEPA ( in Greece) and providing details on recent developments and challenges in each of them.
Are you interested in joining the webinar and learning about most recent developments in SecureGas project?
REGISTER to the SecureGas Stakeholder Platform* (link below) and we will send you a link to the webinar.
STAKEHOLDER PLATFORM REGISTRATION: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdp4mWrAwNGNkfgrj3MsqaW7OYMVXqaphB962tyhYd7VW6CMw/viewform
*SecureGas Stakeholders Platform, is a user-friendly online space where relevant stakeholders have the possibility to access information about the latest results and documents prepared by the SecureGas project and exchange with SecureGas consortium partners and other stakeholders on issues related to the project’s activities and the security of gas infrastructure.
For more info contact: Karolina Jurkiewicz jurkiewicz@apre.it